Got Allergies? We have Solutions

Allergy season

Have you ever considered whether the air inside your Opelika or Auburn home is fit to breathe? The truth is that indoor air in Alabama can be so polluted that it can trigger asthma attacks, aggravate respiratory conditions and worsen allergies. Polluted indoor air can expose you to unhealthy airborne contaminants every day. Viruses, dust mites, germs, bacteria, pet dander, pollen, and volatile organic compounds are just a few common indoor air pollutants, and just because we can’t see them, it doesn’t mean they’re not there.

What Causes Indoor Air Pollution?

The most common cause of indoor air pollution is that today’s residential and commercial buildings have been tightly sealed to keep heated and cooled air from escaping via holes, cracks, and gaps. This helps HVAC systems to keep your indoor comfort level high and your energy consumption low. However, without adequate ventilation or some kind of an air purification system, the indoor air quality in a tightly sealed building is usually poor.

High humidity and warm temperatures create ideal conditions under which airborne contaminants can thrive. These pollutants often take up residence in ductwork where the cool, damp and dark environment is conducive to their growth. As cooled air is circulated throughout your home, it repeatedly passes through the duct system where it picks up these pollutants and circulates them throughout your home.

How Can I Improve My Indoor Air Quality?

There are a variety of products and services available in Auburn and Opelika that can help you to clean up your indoor air. One of the most effective and advanced air purification systems on the market today is the Infinity Air Purifier GAPA. Unlike other air cleaning systems, this air purifier uses Captures and Kills technology to trap up to 95% of pathogens and then uses an electrical charge to kill or make them inactive.

Want to learn more about how you and your family can enjoy the health benefits of cleaner and fresher indoor air? Check out the air treatment solutions at Sensigreen Heating, Cooling & Insulation or call (334) 366-9237 in Auburn or Opelika to schedule a free indoor air quality consultation.


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