3 Ways You’re Reducing Your HVAC Efficiency

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When you moved to your new place here in Opelika, Alabama, you promised yourself your utility bills here would be lower than in your previous home. You’ve done a lot to keep that promise and to reduce your utility costs, but there are mistakes many homeowners make unknowingly that reduce their HVAC efficiency. Get a handle on the accidental habits that are reducing your HVAC efficiency, and you’ll receive the low utility bills you’ve been working for.

Pushing Your System

You need to learn to treat your HVAC system with care. It is easy to change the thermostat without thinking twice, but doing so will cut your HVAC efficiency. Here is an easy trick to remember: The further away your thermostat setting is from the temperature outside, the harder your HVAC system will have to work and the more its efficiency will drop. Look for other ways to stay warm or cool instead of relying solely on your system.

Ignoring System Size

Without knowing, you could be running a system that isn’t adequately sized for the needs of your home. Every building has a heating and cooling load requirement determined by the home’s size and design. Efficient HVAC systems are sized to the load requirement of the home. A system that’s too large for the space will waste energy and usually short cycle. A system that’s too small will be unable to satisfy the thermostat setting. Check with your local HVAC technician to guarantee your system is properly fitted.

Neglecting Maintenance

We know you’re looking to save every penny, but sometimes you need to invest a little to save a lot. Such is the case with HVAC maintenance. Without maintenance, your system will slowly deteriorate, losing efficiency along the way. Schedule regular maintenance to restore efficiency to your system.

The utility bills you’ve been dreaming of are just around the corner. To improve your HVAC system’s efficiency, call Sensigreen at (334) 366-9237.

Image provided by Shutterstock


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