Why You Need to Call a Professional to Fix Your HVAC System

Call a Professional

As a homeowner in Opelika, Alabama, you want to do the best job you can to keep your HVAC system in tip-top shape. It might seem that air filter changes are all that is needed for HVAC maintenance, but the truth is, your HVAC system is quite complex. Trying to do full maintenance or repairs on your own could be dangerous and costly, so you should call a professional to fix your HVAC system.

Knowledge and Tools

Your air conditioning and heating systems are made up of many components that require professional and specialized training. Technicians at Sensigreen Heating, Cooling & Insulation are certified and have extensive training in HVAC repair.

In addition, specialized tools are needed for repairs, cleaning, and maintenance of your HVAC system. It would not be cost-effective to purchase these tools yourself when you can have our technicians come with the tools needed for the job.

Safety Concerns

Your air conditioner uses chemical refrigerants to cool the air during the summer. These chemicals are dangerous, and if not handled properly, can burn your skin. They also need to be disposed of properly for personal safety and for the betterment of the environment. Furnaces burn natural gas or oil, and these compounds can be quite volatile and must be handled with care also.

Safety concerns could also include carbon monoxide poisoning, which can be life-threatening. Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas that displaces oxygen and could result in ill health if you are exposed to it.

You May Void Your Warranty

The investment of an HVAC system in your home usually includes a manufacturer’s warranty. Most HVAC products state that if the installation, repairs, or maintenance were not performed by a certified technician, the warranty may be voided. If you attempt these repairs yourself and something goes wrong, you may end up having to foot the bill for costly repairs that would have otherwise been covered by the warranty.

Call Sensigreen Heating, Cooling & Insulation today for repairs and maintenance on your HVAC system or to discuss investing in a maintenance agreement. You can reach us at (334) 366-9237.

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