Why Is My Heater Blowing Cool Air?

furnace blowing Cool Air

If your heater isn’t blowing warm air, comfort in your Auburn, Alabama, home will suffer. This may be something that you can fix yourself, but if common DIY fixes don’t do the job, you’ll need to turn to a professional to handle this type of repair. Consider these common problems that could cause your heater to blow cool air.

The Thermostat Settings Are Wrong

Your thermostat is one of the first things you should check if you’re having trouble with your heating system. Make sure the system is set on heat and not cooling or off. You should also check that the fan is set to auto rather than on. If you turn on the fan, it will run continuously whether the system is heating or not. If your thermostat is set correctly, the problem is likely with the furnace itself.

The Filter Is Clogged

Check your furnace’s air filter to make sure that it’s not clogged. A clogged air filter will make it difficult for the heating system to deliver adequate heat and airflow throughout the house. You should inspect your filter visually once a month and change it no less than once every three months.

You Need a Professional Repair

The thermostat and filter are the only components you can safely handle yourself. If these quick repairs don’t solve your problem, you should turn to a professional heating technician. You may have a more complex problem such as:

  • A clogged condensate drain
  • Malfunctioning pilot light or ignition system
  • Inadequate gas supply

An experienced technician will help you diagnose your problem quickly and effectively. Never attempt a DIY repair for major furnace issues, as this can cause serious damage to your system. If you have a warranty in place, a professional repair is essential to keep your furnace’s protection plan in place.

If you need assistance fixing your heater, call Sensigreen Heating, Cooling & Insulation. We can provide you with a fast furnace repair to keep your home comfortable.

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