What Is the Most Comfortable Level of Humidity for My Home?


In Auburn, Alabama, you know that high temperatures typically lead to long, hot summers. But what you might not realize is just how much the humidity, or the moisture level in the air, contributes to the hot, sticky weather. Humidity affects your comfort indoors just as much as it does outdoors, so it’s important to know how to manage this airborne moisture. Learn how to find the right level for Auburn, and discover how to maintain it in your home.

How to Find Your Ideal Humidity Level

In the Auburn area, humidity tends to be highest in the morning, when it averages around 85 percent. By the afternoon, the level can decrease to around 55 percent, but the daily average is still around 70 percent.

If Auburn’s humidity level sounds like it’s on the high side, that’s because it is. Anytime the temperature is above 50 degrees, the optimal humidity level is between 45 and 55 percent. If it’s any lower, you’ll feel too cool, and if it’s any higher, you’ll feel overly warm.

How to Maintain the Right Level

While you can’t alter the outdoor humidity level, the Sensigreen Heating, Cooling & Insulation team recommends decreasing the level in your home to make sure it’s always between 45 and 55 percent. Turning on the air conditioner and ensuring that you’ve programmed the optimal moisture level into the thermostat often does the trick, since cooling systems are designed to lower moisture in the air while decreasing the temperature.

If it’s a particularly humid summer, or if your cooling system simply can’t keep up with moisture management, our team recommends investing in a Performance Whole-Home Dehumidifier DEHXX. This HVAC add-on works closely with your air conditioner to remove excess moisture from the air, increasing your family’s comfort while helping your cooling system run more efficiently.

Don’t let uncomfortable humidity get you down. Call the Sensigreen Heating, Cooling & Insulation team at (334) 366-9237 to learn more about our advanced indoor air quality solutions.

Image provided by Shutterstock


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