Is Your Heat Pump Sized Correctly in Huntsville, AL?

Two Heat Pumps Outside House

Many Huntsville, AL homeowners choose heat pumps, thanks largely to their effectiveness and efficiency. However, it’s crucial that you have an HVAC system that’s the right size for your home. If you notice any of these issues, you may have an incorrectly sized heat pump.

Short Cycling

Cycling refers to the intervals at which your heat pump turns on and off. When everything works correctly, your system should consistently run for the same length of time before it turns off. Short cycling, which refers to a heat pump that turns on and off too frequently, is one of the most common signs of a system that’s the wrong size.

Temperature Fluctuations

When your system is correctly sized and running efficiently, every room in your home should be within 2-4 degrees of your thermostat as stated in the ACCA Manual ZR design book Figure 1-2. However, when the system is the wrong size, you’ll likely notice hot and cold spots throughout your home greater than 4 degrees.

Having a heat pump that is the right size for your home is not only crucial for your comfort, but it’s also an important part of keeping your utility bills low. If you suspect that your heat pump is the wrong size, call Sensigreen Heating, Cooling & Insulation and ask about all of our heating and cooling services.

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