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Do I Need an Air Purifier in Auburn, AL?

While reducing outdoor pollutants is complex, improving the air inside your home is much simpler. According to the EPA, people remain indoors around 90% of the time, encountering pollution that can be two to five times worse than what you’d find outdoors. An air purifier provides an excellent solution for improving indoor air quality, and here are four reasons to consider one for your home in Auburn, AL.

Asthma Relief

If you have asthma, you’re well aware of the breathing difficulties associated with it. Unfortunately, airborne pollutants like pollen, cigarette or cigar smoke and pet dander can make already distressing asthma symptoms even worse.

These particles don’t always originate from inside the home. They can also enter through open windows. Luckily, air purifiers can capture these toxins before they get to you or anyone else in your house.

Better Sleep

Getting a good night’s rest is essential for a productive and enjoyable day. But if you suffer from nasal congestion, you’re likely to wake throughout the night.

Allergens in the home, such as dust mites and bacteria, can cause several uncomfortable symptoms that inhibit sleep. Air purifiers can remove these unhealthy particles and provide an ideal environment for restful sleep.

Eliminates Odors

Another great benefit of air purifiers is that they remove unpleasant odors from inside the home. Those with pets understand the challenge of maintaining a clean environment.

Dogs, cats, birds, and many other common pets can make your home less than inviting for guests’ noses. The multilayer filtering technology on most air purifiers effectively neutralizes pet smells.

Enhance Your Home’s Air Quality

We offer several services to improve your indoor air quality in Auburn, AL. Not only do we perform air quality inspections, but we also provide products and services for medical facilities, businesses, and homes. For air purifiers and other indoor air quality solutions, contact our team at Sensigreen Heating, Cooling & Insulation.

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