Choosing Between Heat Pump Replacement and Repair in Auburn, AL

Types Of Air Heat Pumps

With regular maintenance and prompt attention to repairs, you should get up to 20 years of service out of your heat pump. Consider these three major points when choosing between heat pump replacement and repair in Auburn, AL.

How Many Times Has Your Pump Broken?

Consult with a professional about the number of repairs your pump has already had and the total repair bill. Most experts recommend evaluating the likelihood of another necessary repair against the life expectancy of your pump. Many people also recommend replacing if the cost of your repair is going to be at least half the cost of a new pump.

Do You Notice Strange Smells?

Some smells are a sign that your heat pump needs immediate attention from a professional and may indicate severe part damage. Ask a professional to look at coils that may have become dirty or separated, along with other parts when you notice odd smells.

Many smells may simply indicate that something made its way into your system or a part is grinding against another component. However, because there are so many different issues that a smell could indicate, it’s best to contact a professional.

Is Your Pump Leaking?

Some leaks indicate more severe problems than others, and a professional may advise you to do a heat pump replacement. Heat pumps may need frequent condensate line cleaning which is a straightforward maintenance item and doesn’t indicate a problem. Other cases can be serious and may be due to frozen or dirty coils that are permanently damaged or otherwise inefficient.

Don’t compromise on indoor air quality or comfort by delaying repairs when you notice a problem with your heat pump. Contact Sensigreen today for help from trusted professionals with your commercial or residential heat pump repair and installation needs.

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