Can a Smart Thermostat Lower HVAC Costs?

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When you want to trim your Auburn, Alabama, household costs, your cooling budget is a great place to start. From programming your cooling schedule to checking energy reports, a smart thermostat can help lower HVAC costs in several ways.

Program Your Cooling Schedule

If you’re used to setting your thermostat manually, you know how high your energy bill can climb when you forget to adjust the device before leaving for the day or prior to going to sleep. With a smart thermostat, you can program your cooling schedule for the week or even for the entire season, maximizing your energy savings in minutes.

Adjust Settings From Anywhere

Just because you’ve designed an efficient cooling schedule doesn’t mean you won’t need to adjust your home’s temperature settings again. At Sensigreen Heating, Cooling & Insulation, we recommend taking advantage of the remote capabilities that the Carrier Wi-Fi Thermostat offers. Since this device connects to your home’s Wi-Fi network, you can log in with your smartphone and check or adjust the temperature settings from anywhere. You can even switch your thermostat to vacation mode to save extra energy and cooling costs while you’re away.

Check Energy Reports

Want complete control over your HVAC system’s energy consumption? We recommend an advanced device like the Côr Wi-Fi Thermostat, which offers comprehensive energy reports. You can log in at any time to check energy usage for the day, week, or month and gain a better sense of where you can cut energy costs even further.

Receive Maintenance Reminders

If you’re serious about cutting your household energy costs, you know that scheduling routine HVAC maintenance is a smart way to prevent expensive breakdowns and even extend the life of your system. Fortunately, most smart thermostats offer HVAC maintenance alerts and reminders to replace the air filter. That means you’ll never miss a tuneup or put off maintenance that could cost you in the long run.

Isn’t it time you invested in a smart thermostat? Call your Auburn HVAC technicians at Sensigreen Heating, Cooling & Insulation today: (334) 366-9237.

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