Benefits of Zoning for Your Home or Business

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Is your bedroom always cold and your living room hot? Are you the mediator between your heat-loving spouse and cold-loving children? A standard HVAC system can’t always resolve these issues on its own without creative alternatives. Homeowners in the Opelika, Alabama, area can benefit from a multi-zone HVAC system. Below are three benefits to making the switch.

Lower Monthly Energy Bills

By creating zones in your home, you have control over the amount of energy your home is using to heat and cool each room in the preplanned zones. Rooms used less often can be kept cooler in winter or warmer in summer, reducing the energy usage and your bill as a result. This allows your HVAC system to focus more efficiently on higher-traffic areas and puts less wear and tear on the system as a whole.

Personalized Comfort

A multi-zoned heating and cooling system gives you much more control over the temperature of different rooms. The design allows for thermostats in each planned space as opposed to the traditional single unit for the entire house. The house can be split into personalized zones to allow for a cooler upstairs or warmer downstairs as programmed. If your bedroom typically runs warm, you can create a zone just for that space to keep it your preferred temperature.

Better Air Quality

The zoned system separates the house into independent sections and circulates the air within those zones. With these divisions, dust, pet dander, and pollen are kept localized within singular zones and not spread throughout the house. Allergies and asthma can be better managed by this system.

Keeping your family comfortable and happy is easier with a zoned HVAC system. Some include remote controls, fan controls, and humidity controls, all contributing to your personal comfort.

Give us a call at Sensigreen Heating, Cooling & Insulation at (334) 366-9237 to schedule an appointment for a free system evaluation.

Image provided by Shutterstock


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