3 Ways to Save on Heating Costs This Winter

woman opening curtains

Many homeowners in Auburn, Alabama, are looking for ways to improve their home’s energy efficiency and lower their utility bills. If you need to free up some room in your budget, try these three tips to help you save on heating costs this winter.

Dial Back the Temperature

If you’re serious about slashing your energy bill, start by adjusting the temperature in your home. Dialing back the temperature by even a few degrees can make a noticeable difference. If you’re worried about being too cold, consider setting a lower temperature only when you’re asleep or away from home. Smart thermostats make it easy to set a different temperature for various times throughout the day or week. You can also use them to make adjustments remotely and monitor energy usage.

Use Sunshine and Ceiling Fans

Even with your thermostat set a few degrees lower, you can keep your house cozy by taking advantage of the sunshine and your home’s ceiling fans. Keep your curtains open throughout the day, especially on south-facing windows, so the sun can help heat your home. When the sun goes down, close the curtains to keep more heat inside.

To put your ceiling fans to work, find the switch that changes their rotation. The default setting is a counterclockwise rotation that helps you feel cooler on warm days. But a gentle clockwise rotation will push warm air down to make the room feel warmer.

Schedule an HVAC Tuneup

You can also save a surprising amount of money by keeping up with routine HVAC maintenance. We recommend scheduling two tune-ups per year: one during the spring for your AC and one during the fall for your heating system.

If you missed your fall tune-up, unresolved issues could be making your HVAC system less efficient. Consider signing up for our Comfort Care Club to help extend the life of your system, save money on repairs, and keep your monthly energy bills in check.

Schedule your winter HVAC tune-up now with Sensigreen Heating, Cooling & Insulation by calling (334) 366-9237. One of our NATE-certified technicians will inspect and clean your system, resolve any issues, and recommend further steps you can take to improve energy efficiency.

Image provided by Shutterstock


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