3 Tips for Saving Money on Cooling Costs This Summer

reviewing cooling costs

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the average household spent more on average on their monthly energy bills in 2021. You can imagine this amount is only going to increase with the cost of fuel and energy rising around the globe. Thankfully, there are a number of things you can do yourself around your Prattville, AL home to keep your cooling costs down.

1. Regular Maintenance

Be sure you follow the maintenance schedule laid out by the owner’s manual. It will ensure that your air conditioning system will always be running at optimal efficiency. An efficient air conditioner will be less taxing on your monthly utility bills than one that needs maintenance.

2. Get a Smart Thermostat

Consider adding a smart thermostat to your home to make sure that your air conditioner isn’t running when it doesn’t need to. Smart thermostats also give you the power to control your system via your smartphone when you aren’t home. This ensures that your HVAC system won’t run when you don’t need it to and is a great way to keep your energy bills as low as possible.

3. Keep Heat Buildup Down

On days where the outdoor temperature is much higher than your indoor temperature, you should avoid activities that will raise the temperature in your home. Close blinds that face the sun, try not to cook much during the day and avoid any other activity that generates heat in the home. Each of these actions will force your air conditioner to have to overwork to get the temperature to its setting on the thermostat.

These three steps will help reduce the temperature in your house while keeping your cooling costs down. Contact the air conditioning pros at Sensigreen for more help with your air conditioner’s efficiency.

Image provided by iStock


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