Understanding UV Light Air Purification in Pike Road, AL

Clean indoor air is a must when it comes to keeping your home and family free from unhealthy pollutants and toxins. Keeping your HVAC system in good working order and changing the air filter regularly will help, but there are other steps along with these that will ensure the air inside your Pike Road, AL, home is as clean as possible. UV light air purification is one of the most effective ways to keep the air inside your home safe and healthy for your family.

What Is UV Light Air Purification?

UV light air purification involves using ultraviolet (UV) light to eliminate pathogens, pollutants and other contaminants that can make their way inside your home as polluted outdoor air finds its way in. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air can contain two to five times more pollution than outdoor air, and sometimes that number can be 100 times higher depending on where you live. It’s commonly used to improve indoor air quality, and at Sensigreen Heating and Air, we’re proud to use UV light air purification technology to clean and sanitize the air in your home.

UV Air Purification is Safe

Ultraviolet light is a type of electromagnetic radiation invisible to the naked eye. It causes damage such as destroying skin cells, causing wrinkles and damaging the eyes. This specific ability to destroy cells is also effective when it comes to eliminating pollutants in the air, especially biological contaminants.

Ultraviolet light isn’t found only in sunlight. There is a synthetic form that provides the added benefit of harnessing its power by putting stringent safety measures in place, which are effective as long as you follow directions and operate appliances that utilize UV light technology. Some examples include tanning beds, certain types of welding tools and some air purifiers, to name a few.

How Does It Work?

Ultraviolet light incapacitates or completely destroys cells by wiping out the nucleic acids they contain and scrambling up their DNA, leaving them disabled. Using an air purifier with UV light technology allows air to travel through an ultrafine filter, such as a HEPA filter, which then sends the air into a secure internal space where exposure to UV light destroys any contaminants. Once the air has passed through this chamber, it will then go through one final filter before circulating throughout the room, free from harmful pollutants.

UV Light Air Purification Protects in Several Ways

While many people rely on air purifiers, believing that they are beneficial in keeping indoor air clean in the home, their effectiveness is limited to removing only airborne spores and pollutants of certain types. They are useless at removing many other types of harmful pathogens and biological contaminants that have found their way into your furniture, walls, carpeting and other places that conventional air cleaning methods can’t reach. UV light air purification stops these types of contaminants before they can find hiding places in your home, as well as significantly reduces any viruses in the air that may cause your family serious health problems.

How Effective Is UV Light Air Purification?

Compared to other forms of indoor air purification, such as ozone generators, activated carbon and air filters, UV light air purification is more effective. UV-C Light sanitizes surfaces in restaurants, food processing facilities, hospitals, laboratories and water sanitization facilities. When used along with a good quality air filter in a well-maintained HVAC system, UV air purifiers are even more effective at sanitizing the indoor air your family breathes.

UV light air purification eliminates as much as 99% of unwanted, often dangerous pollution found in indoor air. It’s a highly effective way to protect your home and family. For more information about the importance of indoor air quality and how you can improve the air in your home, as well as all your HVAC maintenance needs, contact Sensigreen Heating and Air.

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