How to Give Your Home a Fresh Spring Smell

Fresh Spring Smell

Seeing all the beautiful flowers blooming in spring makes many people want to replace the cinnamon, cloves, and other spices that are popular in winter with fresh, new spring smells. Since most people don’t go outdoors often or open their windows in winter, your Auburn, Alabama, home could also have a fair amount of dust, pollen, and other contaminants when spring starts. You can give your home a fresh spring smell and increase comfort levels for your family by using an indoor air purifier, installing a dehumidifier, making your own air freshener, and buying fragrant indoor plants.

Using an Indoor Air Purifier

An indoor air purifier or air cleaner can remove unpleasant smells from a variety of pollutants. Some models can even remove viruses and bacteria from your home’s air. Instead of an air filter, a UV air purifier uses UVC light to kill microorganisms that could be causing some bad smells. This type of ultraviolet light is usually filtered out by the Earth’s atmosphere.

With either type of air purifier, you can prevent unpleasant symptoms like a runny nose, a sore throat, irritated eyes, coughing, or asthma attacks. Otherwise, your home could start smelling bad again before summer starts. You’ll also want to do some spring cleaning to clear out the dust that ends up on your floors and furniture instead of getting caught inside an easily changeable, disposable air filter.

However, you shouldn’t forget to change the air filter for your air cleaner and your HVAC system at least every few months and have your ductwork and your heater and air conditioner checked by a professional at least once per year. If your ductwork needs to be cleaned, the problem can be fixed before you notice increased allergy symptoms or unpleasant smells.

Installing a Dehumidifier

High humidity encourages contaminant growth, which leads to stale, unpleasant smells. The moisture levels in most homes are usually low in winter, but you may need to use a dehumidifier when spring starts. Even if you don’t see any tell-tale biologic contaminants, it could be growing in your ductwork, under carpeting or wallpaper, or in your home’s insulation. High humidity can also cause wood furniture and floors to warp.

A dehumidifier will also help your home feel cooler and more comfortable, which means you can save energy and money on your utility bills.

Making Your Own Air Fresheners

Commercial air fresheners sometimes smell synthetic, and they often contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like acetone, formaldehyde, and xylene. These compounds evaporate at room temperature, so they make great ingredients for air fresheners. Unfortunately, they can also lead to severe health problems like asthma or cancer. You can save money and make your home smell fresh by using potpourri; simmering some mint, or lavender on your stove; or making a spray bottle with essential oils and water. You can even clean your wood furniture with lemon juice and a little olive oil for a wonderful scent at a low price.

Buying Fragrant Indoor Plants

Plant roses and honeysuckle plants near your home for a fantastic scent when you open the window. You can also use fragrant, hardy herbs like rosemary for a great smell. Many herbs make excellent indoor plants as long as you place them by a window. Plants like peace lilies and aloe can also help you filter your home’s air and provide fresh, clean oxygen for your family.

Sensigreen is a Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer with more than 10 years of heating and cooling experience. We can help you maintain, repair, and install a variety of equipment to improve your indoor air quality, including air purifiers and dehumidifiers. Our name comes from our belief in the benefits of sensible green solutions for everyone. Call us anytime at (334) 366-9237 for expert assistance.

Image provided by Shutterstock


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